The Annual General Meeting for fiscal year 2023/2024, for the Home owner of Coral Springs Residents Association will be held at Falconridge Community center N.E. Calgary, Alberta on November 26th, 2024, at 6:30pm sharp.
All notices have been sent to all Home owners, if you are unable to attend the meeting in person you can fill your Proxy Form and return the same to the South Beach House, between (9am - 5pm) Mon - Fri.
Note all Proxy form should be given no later than one (1) day preceding the date of the meeting.
If you have not received your notice by mail or email, you can contact us at the office between Mon – Fri (9am – 5pm) Tel: 403-285-5100.
Note: All home owner attending the meeting, should be in good standing.
A copy of the audited financial statement is available for members to pickup from the office effective November 8th, 2024. (Mon - Fri) 9am - 5pm. Copies will also be available at the meeting.