2022-2023 Lake Fees
Just a reminder that May 17th, 2022 is the last day for members to pay lake fees for fiscal year Apr 1, 2022, to Mar 31st, 2023 without penalty. As of April 18th, 2022, interest & admin fees, will be charged on all outstanding accounts and fees will need to be paid in full for members to continue to have access to the park.
How can you pay your fees?
Pay at the lake office with a cheque or debit
Send an e-Transfer, please call our office between 9 am – 5 pm (Mon – Fri)
Mail a cheque to 80 Coral Springs Blvd. NE, Calgary, T3J 3J3
Invoices for this year’s lake fees were sent out in early March, either by Canada Post or by email. If you had requested our office, then you should have received your invoice by email. If you didn’t receive your invoice please check your Spam folder, or you can send an email to admin@coralspringsresidents.com to request a copy.